Bővül a FranklinCovey
A FranklinCovey megvásárolta a Strive nevű, San Francisco-i székhelyű EdTech startupot, amely egy innovatív, korszerű tanulási platformként ötvözi a tartalmakat, a coachingot, az elemzéseket és a közösségi élményt a tartós viselkedésváltozás elérése érdekében.
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Why did FranklinCovey make this purchase?
We heard your requests for a more seamless, engaging, and effective user experience. You asked for
additional diagnostic tools to help users quickly start impactful and personalized learning journeys. We
listened when you asked for additional analytics to track engagement, completion, and retention. The Strive
acquisition will help fulfill each of these requests.
This technology will accelerate our ability to help you predictably achieve employee behavior change at
scale through the FranklinCovey All Access Pass®. Combining the extensive capabilities of the Strive
platform with FranklinCovey’s award-winning content, world-class consultants, and global reach will
improve your ability to reach a broader audience in a more meaningful way.
What does Strive do?
Like FranklinCovey, Strive’s goal is to help people realize their potential and become the best version of
themselves. They’ve achieved this mission by transforming managers into leaders, accelerating their career
trajectories, and creating meaning, belonging, and opportunity for their teams and companies.
Strive was founded in 2017 by a team from YouTube, Minerva, LinkedIn, Target, and Amazon and has led development programs for large companies and growth-stage startups alike.
Strive’s remote-friendly, cohort-based training program combines 360° assessments, Live-Online classes led by vetted executive coaches, application challenges, and ongoing nudges. All of these are completed
on Strive’s social-learning platform, ensuring participants do not just absorb content in a classroom but continuously apply lessons on the job.
What does this mean for you?
In upcoming months, Strive’s capabilities will be integrated into the FranklinCovey All Access Pass, giving
passholders unlimited access to our entire collection of content and solutions, paired with the exciting
capabilities of the Strive learning platform. When it’s ready, you and your organization will benefit from this additional functionality through a social-learning environment you’ve never experienced at FranklinCovey.
Will Strive be included in the All Access Pass?
The simple answer is yes! Integration has started and it is expected to become a foundational element
in the future. The introduction of the Strive platform and learning methodology will be our most impactful
addition to the pass to date. We hope you are as excited as we are.
Our commitment to our passholders has always been to keep our content and technology relevant and
updated—ensuring ongoing value to your pass. The Strive acquisition keeps in line with this promise.
Other recent additions to your All Access Pass have included:
• Unconscious Bias: Understanding Bias to Unleash Potential™
• Liz Wiseman’s Multipliers®: How the Best Leaders Ignite Everyone’s Intelligence
• Jhana® for Individuals
• Dozens of new and updated On Demand titles
• A collection of 16 new On Demand Impact Journeys
Plus, there are many more great things to come!
© Franklin Covey Co. All rights reserved.
Nézd meg a Strive oldalát.